Ice Art

Behind us lies autumn and its attendant allure. Before us, springtime, full of new promise and novel prospects, filled with life renewed, reborn.

Despite subtle signs of spring, vernal equinox is yet to come. The hibernal months might hold more darkness than light, bring illness and even eternal sleep to dear friends and family. Bemoaned and decried, these dormant days are indispensable. No organism can exist without repose, Mother Earth included.

But the frigid season also brings beauty. It paints with a beautiful brush, colors with crystals that are clear as they fall, gleaming white as they gather, and cerulean as they crowd, thaw, refreeze.

I can even glimpse a hint of pink in this frozen waterfall

In these waning weeks of winter, I relish its brilliance while I watch it melt, drip, rearrange itself into myriad sparkling shapes; while I wait for it to return to its original state, and to continue its cyclical journey.


28 thoughts on “Ice Art

  1. Lovely images, particularly the ones showing the beauty in the ice.

    That 2nd image seems to be filled with living shapes and imaginary creatures in the appearance of the ice. Love it πŸ™‚

    No doubt you’ll be looking forward to more signs of greenery in the coming weeks.

    Liked by 3 people

    • I appreciate your comment, Neil, and your astute observation. Even though we humans tend to complain about the different seasons, I am glad they exist, even if some are easier to take than others. 😊
      Best wishes,

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Du weißt, ich liebe den Winter, das Eis (und die EisbΓ€ren πŸ˜‰ und ich sehe, dass du ihn ebenfalls liebst, den Winter.
    Du hast schΓΆne Bilder ausgesucht, Eis in allen Variationen vom Feinsten.
    Trotzdem liebe ich alle Jahreszeiten und freue mich auf den FrΓΌhling, der bei uns nur sehr zurΓΌckhaltend in diesem Jahr in Erscheinung tritt.
    Wir sind wirklich bevorzugt vier Jahreszeiten erleben zu dΓΌrfen, und ich bin so dankbar fΓΌr dieses Geschenk.
    Danke fΓΌr deinen wunderbaren Beitrag mit dem wunderbaren Titel, liebe Tanja.
    Liebe Grüße

    Liked by 2 people

    • Herzlichen Dank, liebe Brigitte. Ich bin auch dankbar fΓΌr die Jahreszeiten, auch wenn einige leichter zu ertragen sind als andere. 😊
      Der Frühling lÀßt sich auch bei uns Zeit, doch er kommt bestimmt!
      Liebe Grüße,

      Liked by 1 person

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