Colorado Impressions

Following my writing workshop at the Rocky Mountain Land Library, I do not return to Colorado Springs directly, but by a circuitous route, which has long become a favorite, as it combines varied landscapes with various nature preserves.

By traveling west on US Highway 24, south on US Highway 285, east on US Highway 160, and north on Interstate 25, I complete a circle and return to our doorstep at the foot of Pikes Peak. To do this 270 mile loop justice, it is best to spend at least two nights, but on this occasion, I am a little pressed for time, and stay out only one. Because I drive until the onset of darkness, and start out again at first light, I opt to sleep in the car in Alamosa’s Walmart Parking Lot, next to campers and trailers, whose drivers don’t want to pay for overnight accommodations either.

Along the way, I sample natural sanctuaries near or in the San Luis Valley, like Russell Lakes State Wildlife Area, Alamosa National Wildlife Refuge, and Blanca Wetlands, as well as Lathrop State Park near the Spanish Peaks, all of which make this birder’s heart sing, and I can’t wait to do it again. Here is a sampling of my favorite impressions and encounters. Thank you for your company.

Nach meinem Schreibseminar an der Rocky Mountain Land Library, kehre ich nicht direkt nach Colorado Springs zurück, sondern über verschlungene Wege, die Zugang zu allerlei Landschaften und Naturschutzgebieten verschaffen.

Indem ich verschiedene Bundesstraßen sowie eine Autobahnstrecke kombiniere, vollende ich einen Kreis, und lande wieder vor unserer Haustür im Schatten von Pikes Peak. Um dieser etwa 430 Kilometer langen Rundreise gerecht zu werden, wären zwei Übernachtungen angemessen, aber bei dieser Gelegenheit habe ich nur für eine Zeit. Da ich bis zum Anbruch der Dunkelheit, und bereits wieder vor Sonnenaufgang unterwegs bin, übernachte ich auf einem Walmart Parkplatz im Auto, neben einer Reihe Wohnmobile und Wohnwagen, deren Fahrer auch kein Geld für eine Übernachtung ausgeben wollen.

Entlang der Strecke beschnuppere ich eine Auswahl an Naturschutzgebieten, die das Herz eines jeden Vogelliebhabers höher schlagen lassen. Es folgt eine Selektion meiner Lieblingseindrücke und –begegnungen. Danke für die Begleitung.

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54 thoughts on “Colorado Impressions

    • I love avocets, and wish I could have approached them a little more, but they were very protective of their private space.
      Many people associate Colorado chiefly with mountains, but more half the state is part of the foothills, Great Plains, or High Desert, with a variety of habitats. The state is a marvel.


  1. What a lovely way to drive home – the scenic route.

    Wonderful photos.

    Good to hear you had a safe place to overnight and park. I think that might be asking for trouble here in Australia (sad to say).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Vicki, I am glad I had the opportunity to experience some of my favorite destinations again.
      It is quite common for campers to pull into parking lots overnight, and many stores tolerate it. Walmart in particular is known for its “hospitality.” It was my first experience, and I don’t plan to repeat it any time soon. 🙂


  2. Wonderful to see shots of Colorado that are not usually shown. As a Mainer, I—like many others—picture mountains and arid conditions when I think of Colorado. Well, I learned something new today, and that is always good.

    Liked by 1 person

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