Looking For Spring

The plethora of shared nature impressions from my fellow bloggers in the last weeks is a reminder that springtime in Colorado arrives later than in other locations. The following images of Fountain Creek Regional Park, one of my favorite go-to places that help me forget about our chaotic reality, at least temporarily, were taken at the beginning of last week, a few days before spring equinox. While I love the muted late winter hues, I look forward to the impending surge of color.

Die reichhaltigen Naturimpressionen meiner Mitblogger in den vergangenen Wochen erinnern daran, daß der Frühling in Colorado später beginnt als an anderen Orten. Die folgenden Bilder von Fountain Creek Regional Park, einem meiner Lieblingsplätze, wo ich wenigstens zeitweise unsere chaotische Realität vergessen kann, habe ich zu Beginn der vergangenen Woche gemacht, nur wenige Tage vor der Frühjahrstagundnachtgleiche. Auch wenn ich die verhaltenen Winterfarben liebe, freue ich mich auf die bald zu erwartende Farbwelle.

Even here, at 6,000 feet elevation, the signs of vernal awakening are unmistakable. Our mono- to dichromatic vegetation is slowly but surely assuming more shades. The grass is turning green before our eyes, and tender emerald shoots are pushing their noses through the soft soil. A few buds have emerged and are about to open.

Selbst hier, auf 2.000 Meter Höhe, sind die Zeichen des Frühlingserwachens unverkennbar. Unsere mono- bzw. dichromatische Vegetation nimmt langsam aber sicher mehrere Schattierungen an. Das Gras ist täglich etwas grüner und zarte smaragdfarbene Sprosse stecken ihre Näschen durch die weiche Erde. Einige Knospen sind bereits völlig zum Vorschein gekommen und stehen kurz davor, sich zu öffnen.

The beginning of my favorite time of year promises something new and vital, in the midst of what feels like the end of the life we have known. While there seems to be nothing good in this pandemic for us humans, some hopeful reports suggest that our environment has already benefitted from the decrease in man-made pollution. I can’t help but see the silver lining on the horizon for Mother Earth created by even a brief break from our frenzied activity, but we need to figure out a way to continue to live without destroying our very basis of life.

Der Beginn meiner Lieblingsjahreszeit verspricht Neues und Vitales, inmitten einer Periode, die das Ende unserer bisherigen Existenz zu signalisieren scheint. Auch wenn diese Pandemie nichts Gutes für uns Menschen mit sich bringt, weisen einige hoffnungsvolle Berichte darauf hin, daß unsere Umwelt bereits von der Minderung der menschengemachten Verschmutzung profitiert hat. Ich kann nicht anders, als den Silberstreif am Horizont für Mutter Erde wahrzunehmen, der Resultat dieser relativ kurzen Unterbrechung unserer wahnwitzigen Aktivtäten ist, doch muß es uns langfristig gelingen, unser Leben fortzuführen, ohne dabei unsere eigene Lebensgrundlage zu zerstören.

Thinking of you across the globe, and wishing all of us good health and courage.

Ich denke an Euch rund um die Welt, und wünsche uns allen gute Gesundheit und Unverzagtheit.

54 thoughts on “Looking For Spring

  1. Given the slightest opportunity Nature fights back. Have you seen those images of deer walking through urban streets that have been deserted by humans due to the lockdowns? Once this crisis is over we need to find new ways of giving Nature a chance to thrive alongside our own species.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Yes, it’s quite remarkable to see and hear these reports of animals reclaiming some of their lost habitats. If only we took that into account during our planning and building. The world would, indeed, be a better place for all of us.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Love these photos, Tanja. Exactly what I needed after being home for almost 3 weeks now. This weekend I was thinking to drive to some quiet place outside the city. But since yesterday, the Polish government has introduced even tougher measures, going out of home for any other reasons other than shopping for essentials, work and walking the dog is completely banned. It’s been a tough few weeks and more to come..

    Liked by 1 person

    • We haven’t reached that point (yet), Pooja, but if it gets to that, we will have to abide by those rules. I am grateful for all the opportunities to get out into nature, but if I have to stay at home, we can spend more time in our yard. I think for people in cities without that option, it’s much harder.
      Hang in there, Pooja!


  3. I hope many will learn from this experience (pandemic) and start to make significant steps to restore the environment – flora and fauna – and refrain from going back to their materialistic and polluting wasteful habits though.
    More so, I hope to be pleasantly surprised and find the world in a better place in 12-18 months time.

    In the meantime, it’s good to be able to get out in the country and mountains and breathe some fresh air. I love the signs of Spring in the northern hemisphere. So refreshing and uplifting.

    Liked by 2 people

    • That would be wonderful (truly), Vicki, and I share your hope for the future.
      I am thankful for every opportunity I have had to get outside, but as I am writing these words, the governor of Colorado has just asked to limit all activity to essential travel only. At least we have a garden, and today, the first daffodil opened completely.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Der Frühling lenkt auch mich etwas ab von den täglichen Meldungen. Auf meiner Terrasse habe ich einige Kübelpflanzen mit Frühlingsblumen bepflanzt und dadurch sitze ich gerne ab und zu auf meiner Terrasse. Ein Spaziergang in die Natur befreit und erfrischt die Gedanken. Bleib gesund
    LG Andrea

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Our annual trek out to Colorado Springs didn’t happen this year due to an over-full schedule. We have been longing for Pike’s Peak views on our daily walks. If we close our eyes and think really hard … nah. 83 degree temps somehow ruins the fantasy.

    Spring is definitely here. In fact, it’s been quite green here for several weeks now and the birds have begun nesting rituals. The chickadee family has already fledged!

    Enjoy your mountains and subdued late winter hues. There is beauty there as well, as indicated by your photos. Such a beautiful blog, Tanja! Coming back to read what all I’ve missed being away so long; I’ve got nothing but time.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s so nice to hear from you, Shannon.
      You had previously mentioned that a Colorado trip was out of the question this spring. With everything going on, it wouldn’t have been a good time to travel anyhow, even though I doubt you would have been snowed in this year!
      Sadly, I had to cancel my visit to Germany, was supposed to leave this past Sunday. I hope I will be able to see my Dad later this year.
      I have been enjoying Steve’s and Linda’s springtime impressions from Texas, so I know you are far ahead. But that daffodil that was still have closed yesterday is fully smiling today. I take that! 😊
      I will try to count all our blessings until we can breathe freely again.
      Kindest regards,

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Lovely pictures, Tanja, and certainly not very different from Massachusetts vegetation right now. Love the mountain backgrounds that always make their way into your pics. I so agree about giving Mother Nature a rest. It’s encouraging to see the canals of Venice cleaned in such a short space of time. Massachusetts is under a two week stay-at-home unless shopping, etc.. I mostly don’t mind, as the house is cozy and filled with all the needed items, but I am missing duck season! I’m thinking of re-posting some ducks taken around this time last year, or, when the weather gets warmer, I’ll get out in the yard and explore and photograph in detail. Didn’t that prophet Mary Oliver say:
    Pay attention.
    Be astonished.
    Tell about it.
    YOU do that so well with these posts!
    Continued Best Wishes,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your kind comment, Julie. And for the quote, heretofore unknown to me. I can wholeheartedly relate to it, and will try to continue to tell about all the marvels I encounter.
      I will have to go to my archives, or report from our yard, as we just found out from our governor that a stay-at-home order has been issued for Colorado as well. Like you, I will miss not being able to bird freely, but thankfully, we have feeders in the yard, and enough seed for now.
      Let’s hope for the best!


  7. Danke für die wunderschönen Bilder aus Colorado. Ich würde mir gerne auch mal das Original anschauen. Aber wer weiß, wann man wieder unbeschwert reisen kann. Auch bei uns merkt man die Wirkung der Pandemie auf die Umwelt, der Himmel ist blauer als sonst. Liebe Grüße, Uwe

    Liked by 1 person

    • Es freut mich, daß ich Dir ein bißchen Lust auf Colorado machen kann, lieber Uwe, und hoffe, daß Du es vielleicht irgendwann mal mit eigenen Augen sehen kannst.
      Und laß uns hoffen, daß wir etwas aus dieser Katastrophe lernen, und nicht einfach wieder in die alten Gewohnheiten zurückverfallen, auch wenn wir uns das alle irgendwie wünschen.
      Paßt auf Euch auf!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Bevor es bei uns anfaengt zu bluehen, wird es noch ein bisschen dauern. Aber, die Tage sind ja schon um Vieles laenger, die Voegel zwitschern und die Temperaturen werden so langsam angenehmer. Heute hatten wir z.B. plus 10 Grad Celsius – eine Wonne!!!

    Was mir aber neben dem Virus Sorgen macht, dass sind die Umwelt und die Zeit danach. Ich bin mir naemlich nicht so sicher, dass die Geschaeftsleute, die Unternehmer und die Leute, die uns regieren, sich hinterher auf die Umwelt konzentrieren werden. Ich fuerchte eher, dass alles auf “Wiederaufbau und Jobs” konzentriert sein wird und dass die Umwelt zu kurz kommen wird!

    Wie auch immer…. wir werden es ja sehen!
    Pass gut auf dich auf und viele Gruesse aus Kanada

    Liked by 1 person

    • Heute Morgen begrüßte mich die photographierte Osterglocke mit einem strahlenden Lächeln, was mir eine große Freude bereitete. Und ich habe bei wamem Sonnenschein sogar einige Stunden lang im Garten gearbeitet. Dazu werde ich nun mehr Zeit haben, da unser Gouverneur heute beschlossen hat, eine “stay-at-home” Anweisung zu erlassen!
      Ich befürchte, Deine Vorahnung über die Zeit nach Corona ist korrekt, obwohl das völlig kurzsichtig ist. Aber dafür sind wir ja leider bekannt. 😪
      Ich hoffe Ihr bleibt gesund und munter im noch winterlichen Kanada (bei Euch ist es nicht die Höhe, sondern die Breite!).


  9. Yes, I have seen images showing that cleaner air is returning to places where lockdowns or other restrictions have been put in place. It would be wonderful if we could maintain that but I am not overly optimistic, especially with the current administration pushing for a return to “normal”.
    That first image is wonderful, Tanja. Colorado is beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m afraid your skepticism is indicated, Steve. We are short-sighted, and would rather return to “business as usual,” than to make some lasting change. We will pay an even heavier price for that, without a doubt (we already are).
      I’m glad you liked my Kingfisher enjoying his beautiful view, as did I. 🙂
      All the best,

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Blue and brown, in any of their shades, has become one of my favorite color combinations, so of course I enjoyed these photos. While I’m glad for the spring color we have, things seem to be moving so fast I feel as though I missed some of our winter. Since I moved in December, and was busy with settling in during January, I suppose that contributed to the “missing winter.”

    I enjoyed seeing the kingfisher. There’s one that likes to sit on a particular electrical line on a country road I know. Every time I see him, I fuss over the fact that there’s no way to pull over for a photo session. I’d have to go down the road about three or four miles and walk back. I think I’ll just watch for a differently-placed kingfisher!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I find the muted tones quite beautiful, too, Linda, but really enjoy the transformation into a wider palette of color. But each season brings its own beauty.
      I’m sure you will be able to find a Kingfisher perched in a more accessible position for photography. Don’t drive and bird is an advice I don’t always follow myself. 🙂


  11. “…tender emerald shoots are pushing their noses through the soft soil.” What a wonderful description. Here’s to health, courage, and…springtime!

    Liked by 1 person

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