Buffalo Peaks Ranch

A multi-layered tapestry of vegetation stretches before my eyes, the various hues and heights snuggling against the backdrop of angular mesas, rounded knobs, and a morning sky that already carries the promise of afternoon showers.

Myriad swallows dart across the canvas. Their constant chattering fills the air, and is only disrupted by the intermittent approach of vehicles on the nearby highway. Slight gusts of wind rustle the leaves of the tree in whose shadow I have sought refuge from the sun.

A pleasant perfume pervades the air. The pollen is so thick that it makes me sneeze, even if I don’t suffer from allergies. When I step into the sage-filled meadow, a fine layer of yellow dust instantly envelops my boots and pants. Between my fingertips, it feels like fine powder.

To enlarge a photo, click on it. To read its caption, hover cursor over it.

These are some of the thoughts I scribbled during a recent writing workshop, which took place at the former Buffalo Peaks Ranch (thank you for suggesting I attend, Andrea!). Situated in Colorado’s South Park, between the medium-sized hamlet of Fairplay and its smaller southern neighbor, Hartsel, the 1861 homestead, one of the oldest in the area, is named after the eponymous summits due west, which are clearly visible from the premises. The ranch and surrounding land were purchased by Aurora in 1985, to gain control of the associated water rights. The city is leasing the buildings to the Rocky Mountain Land Library, whose mission is “to help connect people to nature and the land,” with the vision to “open Buffalo Ranch as a year-round, residential retreat center and library…” In its still-growing collection of 35,000 plus books are reflected the geography, geology, biology, and history of the habitation of the American West—any bibliophile’s idea of paradise.

The erstwhile rooms of the main ranch building house the volumes that tell the stories of those who once inhabited this land, while some of the adjacent buildings are in the process of being transformed into lodgings. All structures evoke the ghosts of those who tread here before, whether on foot or hoof. Empty stables still strewn with golden straw and littered with manure seem to await the cattle’s return from its pastures. A nest under the eaves invites a pair of birds to move in. Save a little necessary TLC, it’s basically ready for a housewarming party.

During the seminar, we participants are encouraged to experience different corners of the property, and to note our impressions. The longer we are present, and the more we move around and observe, the more evident it becomes just how multi-layered the tapestry is, and how many strata underlie each single spot. My descriptions haven’t even scratched the surface.

Read more about the Rocky Mountain Land Library here, and find out about their history, philosophy, and workshops.

28 thoughts on “Buffalo Peaks Ranch

  1. Sounds like a wonderful retreat from the madness of the modern world. Oh to be locked away in that library right now, and not stuck here in the UK being constantly assailed by mindless political rhetoric!

    Liked by 1 person

      • It would be disrespectful if I were to pass comment directly on politics across the pond, but put it this way … I hear what you’re saying 😉. Strangely, within two hours of posting my comment yesterday news broke here that demonstrated a hitherto unimaginable level of political madness. I won’t sully your wonderful blog with the details, but your Rocky Mountain Land Library sounds even more enticing this morning!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. The joining of learning and land is delightful. It is beautiful country, and I suspect its history is as interesting as the landscape is appealing. Some of us were talking about Colorado yesterday. It’s imagined as heaven by a lot of summer-weary Texans, and your photos and words seem to support that.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Both the natural and man-made history conspire to make this one of Colorado’s countless fascinating destinations. And you are right-we Coloradans get to see many summer-weary Texans in these altitudes. Who can blame them?!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Neil,
      I might attend a class now and again, though probably not this year, as their courses are winding down. The setting alone is very inspiring.
      I think the pollen on that particular day came mainly from a kind of sage that was covering the ground, but there were multiple flowers in bloom that likely contributed.
      All the best,

      Liked by 1 person

  3. So glad to visit the Land Library again through your pictures and reflections, Tanja. What a day, what a place. I’m excited to be able to watch the progress of the library’s evolution: yet another perk, as if the area didn’t already have enough going for it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • If it weren’t for you, I probably wouldn’t have made it up there this summer, Andrea. Thank you again for introducing me to this destination, which is remarkable in so many different ways.


  4. What a beautiful, quiet sanctuary to escape to, where you can open your mind wide to let your thoughts run free and wild. And write! Your words flow so beautifully, Tanja. 💓 I am glad you had a wonderful time there.

    Liked by 2 people

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